Saturday, August 6, 2011

Turning 30

Why does it feel so odd turning 30?  The other day as I was filling out a form I asked somebody for the date. I suddenly realized that my birthday is on Saturday! I didn’t anticipate these strange feelings. Almost a feeling of a door closing behind me that I could never go back to. It almost feels as if the door has closed but yet I’m still holding onto the doorknob. It’s time to get uncomfortable and to move forward onto unchartered waters.   There was a time when I put restraints and contained Him in a box. Now I know that God is so big that He cannot be contained. A children’s song comes to mind. “My God is so big, so strong and so mighty there is nothing my God cannot do!” That’s when I realized that this is a new chapter in my life.

In this new chapter, all of the pages are blank. There are no limits to what God can do in this part of the story. I will have to be very careful to write the words “Glory be to God” on every page. This chapter will be illustrated by A merciful God who pursued me and didn’t give up on me.  May He paint his pictures with his strokes of grace. Suddenly the sun is setting on my twenties. I am now waiting for the sun to rise on a new decade of my thirties. I am reminded that physical beauty fades but the beauty that is given to us by God’s spirit will always remain. This is the time to really make myself beautiful with God’s Holy Word.  I can see everything becoming clearer. Life isn’t as complicated as I once had believed. The pieces of the puzzle are fitting together. I know the answer to a lot of life’s questions and what I don’t know I know that He will teach me. God’s word isn’t complicated. The answer I have found can be summed up in one name and that is the name of Jesus.

If someone is feeling empty only Jesus can fill that emptiness. Any sin that is overtaking your life you need to know that Jesus is stronger. Our toxic desires come from not having a relationship with Christ. The solution is living a God centered life and allowing everything else to fall into place. Things will not always turn out as planned or hoped for but rest in the outcome of knowing that God is in control. He is the only one that strengthens and fills with a peace that surpasses all understanding.  He will make sure that our pain isn’t wasted and turn everything that life can throw at us and use it for His Glory. So Lord dip your paint brush into my colors of pain and with your gentle strokes of grace make this story beautiful! All things were made by you, Lord and created for your glory. I lay myself down before you as a yielded instrument eager to be held in your hands. You gave me this birthday so I give it back to you. Here are my 30’s!