Sunday, June 5, 2011


In this life you will be faced with people who have a tendency to get under your skin. Some may do it unintentionally while others do it very intentionally. Maybe they lie about you, maybe they do deceiving things to harm you or your reputation. And this kind of situation can be aggravating, heartbreaking, and frustrating. But rejoice, because even then God is doing a work in you. Whenever there is opposition, It means you are doing something right. His work is never done. And the work He started must be completed.
Sometimes we may want to run to a person’s arms of comfort. But they can’t provide the comfort that only comes from our Father in Heaven. We may want to take justice into our own hands or put justice into somebody else’s but it is only God who judges the motives of a heart. So we must not try to play the part of God. If God has allowed it He will use it to bring Glory to Himself. So what do we do? You may ask. We wait upon the Lord and we take it to Him in prayer. Only he can deal with the hearts of the hard hearted and prideful.  And He is the one who guides us into His ways of truth and honor. He is the one that sustains. He is the one who protects his children. He is the one that even warns us when someone wants to do harm to us.
But you see, if we were never put in harms way or put in a situation where we would be aggravated or hurt then we would never know  the Character or the Greatness of our God. If we lived a life of comfort and we were never uncomfortable then we probably would not pursue a deeper relationship with Him. How could our love grow If we were never tested? So many times I have had an emotional response to a situation like this..thinking that it was unfair and that I should have immediate justice. But even then God knew how I would react and He knows that my emotions sometimes get in the way. So with every situation that seems negative He is actually cleansing me of  selfishness and freeing me from my own emotions. We must remember that we are not led by our emotions but by the Spirit of the Living God. God is our perfect vindicator. So hand it over to Him. God is in control!

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