Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Who Will Stand For Life?

Who will stand for Christ in this war waged against the unborn? Our adversary walks around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.  The enemy preys upon the weak and defenseless. They are attacked in their mother’s womb. The world today tells mothers with an unplanned pregnancy that they have every right not to be inconvenienced. I would like to ask the question, “What about the child that is murdered?”

 Who will stand for the unborn? Personhood is never measured by age, stage of development, or mental, physical, or social skills as stated in Exodus 4:11. A child in the mother’s womb is simply a smaller human than the human that you and I are today. To Isaiah God said, he who made you, formed you in the womb (Isaiah 44:2). Isaiah was not just a potential person but an actual person in his mother’s womb. Psalm 139:13-16 paints a graphic picture of the intimate involvement of God with a preborn person. God created David’s innermost being, his soul, not at birth but before birth. David says to his creator, You have knit me together in my mother’s womb.

Each person, regardless of parentage or handicap has been personally knit together by God, the Father, in the womb. In Jeremiah 1:5, The Lord tells Jeremiah, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations. Scripture clearly tells us that Jeremiah was a person in his mother’s womb. Where did God first become flesh and dwell among us? Christians will say Bethlehem, but that is wrong. Christ became flesh When the Holy Spirit conceived a child in Mary that was at Nazareth, nine months before she traveled to Bethlehem. As stated in Exodus 20:13, In light of the full humanity of the preborn child, we must do nothing to take his life. Furthermore, we should do all in our power to protect his life as stated in Proverbs 24:11 and Proverbs 31:8-9.
Women are so concerned about the here and now; they have placed their own desires before the sanctity of human life. A countless number of women have become victims of abortion. According to reports of the Department of Education, as many as 91% of all abortions cause severe psychological problems, both immediate and long-term. They have been deceived by others wanting to murder their children all for the love of money. Women have been told that their babies are just a “fetus” and feel no pain. When a sonogram of an abortion will show the baby opening its mouth in a silent scream as the child is killed. Millions of children all over the world are literally thrown away each day. There must be a stop to sacrificing the unborn to the God of Inconvenience. Abortion is direct defiance against God’s will.

God jealously maintains his sole prerogatives over human life and death. To take that power into our hands is literally to play God.

The mother’s womb is supposed to be a place of safety but it has turned into a war zone against an unborn child as we stand in the midst of these final hours.  Life has become cheap to those who have chosen to turn a deaf ear to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Not just to unbelievers, life has become cheap to the Church. Scripture condemns the shedding of innocent blood. The Bible regards the killing of defenseless children as particularly heinous. Therefore the church should be outraged and ready to stand no matter what the cost may be.

The shedding of innocent blood will surely result in the devastating judgment on our society. Judgment first starts in the house of God. God comforts the aborted children by telling them “Surely for your lifeblood I will demand a reckoning.” Only blood can atone for blood. Whoever sheds mans blood, by man his blood shall be shed. God has made man in his image. Who dare knock the mold out of the potter’s hand!

It is the call of duty of the Church to protect the unborn. Christ is calling his church to repentance for the murder of the innocent. You may ask “What do I have to do with any of this?” I will tell you….you have blood on your hands. The blood of the innocent is on your hands! That’s right church! You stood back you did nothing. This land is polluted with blood. You have the spirit of the Lord residing within you and you have grieved God’s Holy Spirit by doing nothing….The worlds voice has become louder than the Church’s voice. This world cries out for more blood shed. They are intoxicated with the blood of the unborn. It’s a shame. The Church is not crying loud enough…. We have been rebellious against the Lord. As Christians we must prostrate ourselves before the Lord and pray that our nation not be destroyed.  For the Lord your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great God, mighty and awesome, who shows no partiality nor takes a bribe. We are in a war that cannot be seen with the naked eye. Who will stand for life? This burden is not our own it is that of Almighty God. Jesus kneels alone in prayer. Will you pass him by or will you join him? This is not our burden to give up on!

Many Christians today have given Satan more power than he actually has. Many Christians have made Satan their God by attributing to Satan the Characteristics that only Almighty God possesses. Christians are so afraid of spiritual combat that they would prefer to pretend it doesn’t exist making them an easy target because they have deceived themselves. And those few that have not, know very little about spiritual warfare, “My people perish for lack of knowledge.” Who will educate? Who will teach Gods people battle strategies? God desires for the people called by his name to know all of the tactics of the enemy and to know the enemies strategies ahead of time so that they can go forth and conquer. In today’s church Christ can walk in and see all of the armor still hanging on the walls and the Christians are out to “ war.” The outcome will not be good if things continue this way. Not only do God’s people need to wear their spiritual armor but it must be fastened with prayer. And the Christian must remember there is no retreat.

So before anybody goes into the enemy’s camp to bring back what the enemy has stolen they must take precaution and press into God. They must pray and fast, they must know how to plead the blood of Christ, Speak the Word, and to properly use the name of Jesus, put on the whole armor of God, The power of Praise and to solely rely on the Lord. This is a call to Holiness. Without knowledge of God’s ways the Church will be destroyed. Mere humanity Is no match for the enemy. If we yield to God’s ways and God’s Spirit, we will have the victory! The word “Retreat” doesn’t exist for the person after God’s heart.

Who will stand for life? Who will stand for Christ?

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