Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Broken Chains

Sometimes it is necessary to know the extent of the bondage that we were under. We must remember the heaviness of our chains. We were contaminated. We were unclean as a product of allowing sin in. Because of sin we were enslaved. We were Held captive by Satan. His rule over us was strong. He blinded us to the truth. Even if we heard truth spoken we could not understand it. But even so God is stronger. When we look at the chains by which we were bound we then can begin to comprehend the POWER of GOD that sets the captive free. The Power of God will never be fully understood by mere humans. But if we would just get a grasp on what we were set free from, which is the Pit of Hell, then we can see How Powerful Our God really is! He is the only one who can set us free from a lifetime of sin. No matter the amount of sin that one has in their life He is strong enough. His Grace is enough. Because He has set me free, I am so in love with my Savior. I’m obsessed with his selfless love. I can’t stop thinking about him. I can’t stop singing about his love. It is essential for a Christ follower to understand that God Is in control. Satan is not God. Only God is God. Satan tries to imitate the person of God. God is All knowing. Satan is not. God is everywhere at one time. Satan is not. God is All-ruling” or (as it is more frequently translated) “Almighty.” When we say God is “Almighty,” we are stating our belief in His authority and rulership over all creation, and the Bible is firm in declaring this fact. Even though Satan is now the “god of this age” (2 Corinthians 4:4), it belongs to him only because Almighty God has granted it to Him: “And the devil said to Him, ‘All this authority [over all the kingdoms of this world] I will give You, and their glory; for this has been delivered to me, and I give it to whomever I wish’” (Luke 4:6).Only God is God. Satan is a created being. That is why Satan needs others to do his dirty work whether it be demons or people here on earth that serve him while some do witchcraft, and serve him knowingly. Others serve him by doing their will instead of God’s will. Satan is an intelligent being and has found all sorts of ways to keep tabs on you such as satellites, television, phones. Think about it! Everything made for one use can also be used the exact opposite way! Just ask any engineer. But he is still not God! Oh! And if we could only learn to keep our mouths shut! That is a big one! The Bible tells us In James 3:6, the tongue is a fire, the very world of iniquity; the tongue is set among our members as that which defiles the entire body, and sets on fire the course of our life, and is set on fire by hell! So let’s crucify our flesh by the Power of God’s Holy Spirit. Let us not interfere with God’s plan by saying things that we shouldn’t.  I said it once and I’ll say it again. God is in control. We must find rest in knowing that he will use everything for good in our lives. God does allow afflictions at times but he allows them to shape and mold us to be more like Him. We must find rest in knowing that however a situation appears that He will turn it around and use it for good.  I have often wondered, how many times? How many times has Satan gone before the Throne of God to petition for me and you? I can hear him falsely accusing, calling us traitors and trying to find legal ground by bringing up the fact that some of us used to serve him...when we satisfied our own will. But then THE Beautiful One, Jesus, intercedes on our behalf  and says “They are under the new covenant that I made through my shed blood.” We are covenant children! We are redeemed by the blood of the Lamb! How Great is Our God!?

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